Stefan Matthews

CoFounder and Chairman in Switzerland

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Stefan Matthews has established himself as a significant figure in the blockchain industry, bringing a wealth of experience from the financial services sector. His academic journey began at the University of New England, where he earned a Bachelor of Financial Administration, Financ] in 1988, followed by an MBA in international business in 2003.

In the nascent stages of blockchain's emergence, Matthews recognized its potential, co-founding nChain, and has been at the helm as the executive chairman since 2015. His commitment to innovation has positioned nChain as a leader in blockchain technology, striving toward a decentralized future.

Matthews is not just at the forefront of technological advancement; he’s also a foundational member of the BSV Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a regulated ecosystem that balances lawful conduct with the growth of digital currency and blockchain technology. His work with the BSV Association is a testament to his dedication to responsible innovation in this rapidly evolving field.

His extensive experience in financial services, which includes proficiency in initial public offerings, raising capital, and managing corporate events such as mergers and integrations, has been instrumental in steering multinational operations. This experience served him well as VP of The Sterling Group, where he managed operations across continents, from the USA to Asia Pacific and Europe.

Further solidifying his reputation in the blockchain sphere, Matthews has led Taal Distributed Information Technologies Inc. as executive chairman and CEO, constructing a team dedicated to redefining blockchain mining. Under his leadership nChain has expanded its influence to offer software, intellectual property licensing, and consulting services, catering to diverse sectors such as gaming, supply chain, and finance.

Matthews’ extensive background in financial administration and international business, combined with his strategic vision and executive leadership, has made him an instrumental figure in promoting the adoption and development of blockchain technology around the globe.